Hooghly Animals Welfare Trust welcomes you to the world of strays!

Please join us to extend your support towards the entire team of HAWT. The team is determined to provide a safer environments to the strays around us.

beloved strays..
Group members

Who we are

We are the team of around 10 members (core team) who are passionate about the taking care of the strays. The purpose of the Trust is not only limited to rescuing, treating, feeding strays but also organize adoption of them. We encourage people to be more environment friendly. With love – Team HAWT.

Trustee, the pillars of HAWT..

Soudip Neogy

Soudip Neogy
Founder & President
From Chinsurah
Passionate about stray animal treatments,
Animals lover

Purbali Mitra

Purbali Mitra
Vice President
From Konnagar
Abandoned Dog fostering & Rescuer

Suvojit Paul

Suvojit Paul
Co-Founder & Paravet
From bandel
Passionate about Animal Treatment

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